API Reference

In total, we serve 140M profiles in our API, linked to 26M companies. Currently, we have two main types of endpoints:

  • People Search: You submit search filters (both company- and person-level) -> API returns people profiles based on these criteria.
  • Detailed Profile Reveal: You submit the person’s LinkedIn URL or our internal ID from People Search results -> we return contact details and all additional fields related to the person.

Muraena is a credit-based platform. Each credit corresponds to 1 profile with revealed contact details.

  • For example, if you reveal contact details for 1,000 profiles, 1,000 credits will be used.
  • If you make a request to the Contact Reveal endpoint and we are unable to return a person’s email, the credit is not charged.
  • Search requests are unlimited and not charged.

Restrictions and rules

We believe our API can be a great help for developers and companies that prefer to build their sales engine from scratch or enhance their internal data with additional b2b fields.

✅ This API can be used for any internal process like lead enrichment, search, email lookup, etc.

❌ We don’t allow the use of this API for white-labeling and integration into live software products to prevent abusive behavior and unequal usage.

Therefore, it’s important to follow these rate limits to prevent account suspension:

Request typeRPM (Requests per Minute)
Search requests6 requests/minute
Contact reveal requests10 requests/minute

If you want to integrate our API into your live software product, contact us at support@muraena.ai to discuss your use case and find the best API setup options for your business - we'll be happy to help.